
Title IX is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities at institutions receiving federal funding like 十大靠谱网赌平台. 根据第九条, institutions cannot discriminate against any student based on the student’s “current, 潜在的, 或曾经怀孕或相关情况.” 怀孕是一种受保护的状态.


  1. 妊娠、分娩、终止妊娠或哺乳;
  2. Medical conditions related to pregnancy, 分娩, 终止妊娠, or 泌乳; or
  3. 妊娠恢复, 分娩, 终止妊娠, 泌乳, 或相关的医疗条件.

Additional examples of medical conditions related to pregnancy: pregnancy-related illness (i.e.,过度的孕吐,疲劳,恶心,产前抑郁等.),流产,试管婴儿治疗,与哺乳期有关的情况(i.e., mastitis), and treatment for postnatal depression (also called postpartum depression).​

Termination of pregnancy includes miscarriage, abortion, medical abortion, and stillbirth.  Per California state law, medical abortions are provided at our campus health center.


当任何一个学生, 或者是一个代表学生有合法权利的人, 向任何员工透露自己怀孕或相关情况, 员工必须做到以下几点:

  1. 及时提供第九条协调员的联系信息
  2. Let them know the Title IX Coordinator can coordinate specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure the student’s equal access to 十大靠谱网赌平台’s programs and activities.  换句话说, let them know that their pregnancy or related condition should not be a barrier to them continuing to participate fully in all education programs and activities of our campus.​

员工不需要这样做, 不应该, report the student's pregnancy or related condition to the Title IX Coordinator.​

If a student or employee discloses that they are actively experiencing or already have faced discrimination or harassment because of their pregnancy, 员工应履行自己的职责,根据报告 临时基社盟非歧视政策在新窗口中打开 提交一份 负责员工报告在新窗口中打开 or call the 第九条和性别平等 department at 657-278-2121 to inform the Title IX Coordinator.


Pregnant 学生 are entitled to reasonable modifications for continued access to their education program or activity, 哪些是基于学生的个性化需求. 这些修改可能包括但不限于:

  1. 在课堂上休息来分泌母乳, 使用洗手间, 或照顾其他怀孕或相关需要;
  2. 重新安排测验或考试的时间;
  3. 改变物理空间或进入电梯的途径;
  4. Excusal for pregnancy-related absences; and​
  5. 以他们离开时的身份回到他们的学术项目.​



Reasonable modifications for our campus will be facilitated by 第九条和性别平等.


CSUF致力于提供师资力量, 工作人员, 学生, 访客和求职者的私人, 安全, 方便卫生的哺乳空间. 的y are “Rejuvenation Spaces” and they are shielded from intrusion from others. 复兴空间包含一个舒适的沙发或椅子, 获得电力, 还有一张靠近或附在椅子上的桌子,可以支撑吸奶器. 的 space provides access to a sink and refrigerator in close proximity to the employee’s workspace. 如果工作区域附近没有冰箱, 员工应该通知第九条和性别平等法案找到冷藏设备. 如果不是, 大学可提供另一种适合储存牛奶的冷却装置, 比如雇主提供的冷却器. 然而, individuals expressing milk are expected to make their own arrangements for providing sealed containers for proper storage.

Where there is an instance of other employers or general contractors coordinating a multiemployer worksite, 2个工作日内, upon written request of any subcontractor employer with an employee that requests an accommodation, 我们将为员工提供一个恢复活力的空间.


Employers must provide a “reasonable break time” for 员工 to express milk for up to one year after 分娩. 的 frequency and duration of the breaks will vary depending on a number of factors. 挤奶所需的时间包括, 除此之外, 穿梭于太空之间的时间, 回收并安装泵或其他给养, 清洗和清洁泵或其他用品和储存牛奶.
提醒主管和经理采取必要的措施(例如.g., revising 工作人员 break schedules) to ensure that normal business operations are not unreasonably disrupted as a result of providing breaks for 员工 to express milk.

计划在上班时间挤奶的员工, 在他们休完产假回来之前, need to first contact their Human 资源 (HRDI or HR) or Benefits department to discuss guidelines for expressing milk during working hours. 在联系了HR之后, the employee should contact 第九条和性别平等 at (657) 278-2121 for information on scheduling a Space. Employees are responsible for notifying their direct supervisor/manager if they use any additional time beyond their usual break or meal times.

  • CSUF州雇员: For more details on 泌乳 break time for working 员工, 请与人力资源部的Total Wellness联系 DL-TotalWellness@富勒顿.edu在新窗口中打开 .
  • ASC & ASI 员工: For more details on 泌乳 break time for working 员工, 请联系你们的人力资源部.


  1. 的 Space can be scheduled for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time unless prior accommodations are made with one of the representatives shown above.
  2. 为了满足所有要求,请遵守分配的时间安排. 如果需要额外的时间,请联系您的代表.
  3. Should you no longer have a need for the Space before your designated end date or should you need an extension, 请通知你方代表.
  4. 希望在工作时间挤奶的员工应联系他们的HRDI, 人力资源或福利部门的详细信息. 在联系了HR之后, the employee should contact 第九条和性别平等 at (657) 278-2121 for information on scheduling a Space. Employees are responsible for notifying their direct supervisor/manager if they use any additional time beyond their usual break or meal times. CSUF州雇员, 有关在职员工哺乳期休息时间的详情, 请与人力资源部的Total Wellness联系 DL-TotalWellness@富勒顿.edu在新窗口中打开 .
  5. You must also complete 提交一份 Rejuvenation Space Request Form and Use agreement at the time of your request.

请按此查阅复原(哺乳)空间申请及协议表格在新窗口中打开 (需要登录CSUF).


的 University currently has designated five Rejuvenation/Lactation Spaces on campus. 建筑位置列在下面. Also please see the chart and specific information regarding each Space below.

  • 大学公园(CP-770-08):性别包容和轮椅无障碍
  • Facilities Management (FM-C-256C): Gender inclusive and wheelchair accessible - on the Campus Map, 这个空间被称为公司场地或“T”建筑或T-2500
  • 朗斯多夫大厅(LH-553):性别包容,轮椅无障碍
  • McCarthy Hall (MH-383B): Must enter through women's restroom, wheelchair accessible
  • Pollak图书馆(PLN-327):性别包容和轮椅无障碍

点击这里查看校园地图,显示复兴空间的位置PDF文件 在新窗口中打开 .


  1. If the Space is occupied during your scheduled time, please contact your representative. 您的代表是否不在, 请联系上面列出的任何其他代表.
  2. 如果您在使用前发现空间不干净, 请立即通知您的代表另订位. You may also contact Facilities Work Control Center at (657) 278-3494 for cleaning.
  3. 任何时候,任何人不得进入该空间, 除非事先得到你方代表的批准.
  4. 请把你的垃圾从太空中移走.
  5. 每次使用前和使用后,请确保门关闭,以确保空间安全.
  6. 请不要与他人共享锁箱密码.
  7. 大学不负责遗失或被盗的物品留在空间.
  8. 为节约能源,请在每次使用后关灯.


  哺乳期的请求 美国残疾人/残疾人住宿要求
所有的学生 希尔达·佩莱斯或切丽·马修斯
(657) 278-2121
第九条和性别平等- CP 205
Ana Quiroz或Lori Palmerton
戈登厅106 (657)278-3112
加州大学旧金山分校的雇员和求职者 希尔达·佩莱斯或切丽·马修斯
(657) 278-2121
第九条和性别平等- CP 205
联系你的招聘委员会主席或招聘人员. 如果不可用, 联系Griselda Marquez(657) 278‐5187或Kelynn Mullally(657) 278‐5333, 书院公园700.
ASC员工和求职者 希尔达·佩莱斯或切丽·马修斯
(657) 278-2121
第九条和性别平等- CP 205
泰坦大厅135 & 136
ASI员工和求职者 希尔达·佩莱斯或切丽·马修斯
(657) 278-2121
第九条和性别平等- CP 205
Yvonne Castillo(657) 278‐2384或
校园的游客 联系活动协调员.  如果unavailalbe, 联系希尔达·佩莱斯或切丽·马修斯, (657) 278-2121, 第九条和性别平等- CP 205. 联系活动协调员.



Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded educational programs or activities. 的 基社盟禁止歧视临时政策, 骚扰, 不正当的性行为, 性剥削, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 和报复在新窗口中打开 禁止歧视员工、学生和第三方.

学生, 员工, visitors and job applicants who want to file a complaint alleging discrimination or harassment based on sex, 性别或性取向, 包括性骚扰, 性侵犯/不当性行为, 性剥削, 约会/家庭暴力, 跟踪, 以及相关的报复, may contact the 第九条和性别平等 Office at (657) 278-2121 or complete 此网上报告表格在新窗口中打开 ; 或与劳工专员的实地执法单位联络 http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/dlse-bofe.html在新窗口中打开


Employees with questions about parental and pregnancy disability leaves should go to http://hr.tytkkl.com/total-wellness/leaves/parental-leave/在新窗口中打开 了解更多信息.